Davlas PR services
Public Relations
- Creating a strategic plan with the appropriate public relations activities.
- Creating a time plan for each action.
- Creating a list of journalists from fashion and lifestyle magazines, women & men sites, fashion blogs, general interest websites and weekly magazines.
- Creation and distribution of information related to the media, such as press kits, press releases & newsletters.
Press Office Services & Communication Tools
- Copy writing
- Arranging portrait shots
- Composing pre-written interviews
- Composing the bio of the designer
Press Releases
- 1st press release about the launch of the brand
- 2nd press release about the SANGUEL pop up store in attica City Link
- Contribution of the press releases to the media
- Monitoring & Publicity Report
- Media Buying, Media Planning, Media Handling (SANGUEL Campaigns)
- SANGUEL in Fashion Editorials
- SANGUEL Interviews & Presentations in Greek Fashion Magazines
- Video & Article Campaigns: &
- Sending-out SANGUEL gifts to Influencers, Press Representatives, Celebrities and Key Opinion Makers
- Collaboration (SoMe) with Elena Galifa & Chrissianna Andriopoulou
SANGUEL POP UP STORE @ attica City Link
- Handling the communication between the brand and attica about creating the pop up store
- Coordination of decoration, set up, transportation for the pop up store
- Guest List: Press Representatives & selected influencers
- Invitations sending-out
- RSVPs & follow up
- Giveaways handling
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